The Art of
Whimsical Digital Art

I've decided to add a blog to my site. The new section is at the top of my site. I will be adding to it over time as I would like to share some of my thoughts and tools I use to elaborate on questions I get asked a lot.
To my newsletter subscribers, I will announce when any new partnerships with new companies happen and what to expect. I will be attempting to add more to my shop and start a new one here soon.
Thanks to everyone who keeps supporting my work. I'm working with some new exciting tools and my art is progressing in a way I'm very happy with. I hope you continue to enjoy it.
No AI is used to produce the images on this site.

abouT ME
I am a self-taught digital artist. I have been drawing since I could hold a pencil and have rarely wanted to put it down. After trying lots of different mediums, I found that digital brought the life, color, and depth that I had always been looking for. It's my passion in life and I love being able to share it with others. I have worked with many artists, companies, and individuals over the years to help bring their visions to life as well, all opportunities I am grateful for. If you would like to know more about my process, my work, or myself please check out the link below as I have a list of frequently asked questions that I've tried to answer thoroughly.